Karina Collis
Viktoria Fischer-Werth

3 sales insights
TO take your sales tactics
to the next level

Monthly digest, November

How to deliver a B2B sale?

Do you start with research, then outreach, pitch, negotiation and then the deal is won?

We wish it would be that straightforward! As you might have experienced, the reality is more complex. Your prospects are human beings with their own thoughts, ideas and preferences. In addition, in B2B sales there are multiple decision makers and you literally have to sell multiple times to arrive to the finish line. A nicely made product presentation and a sales pitch will not be enough to break through the barricades of obstacles.

Getting people to show interest in your sales proposition is one of the major challenges in carrying out a sales strategy. And often the skills and the knowledge needed to provoke and flurish this interest are not impeccable.

Luckily, there are some things you can do to optimise your sales tactics and win your prospect's interest.

We publish our monthly "Sales Insights" series to help you navigate through the complexity of B2B sales and learn more about certain techniques that will help you to win your prospects. Every month you can learn more about tips to catch people's attention, persuade better and improve your sales.


Slide with text: influence sales with an anchor
When we are in a new situation and don't know what to expect, we often look around for context that helps us to figure out how to act. That's when the anchoring effect comes into play!

The anchoring effect means that people tend to attach more weight to the first piece of information they get than to anything that follows. Initial information works as an anchor and influences us when considering a decision: we assign value to the second option relative to the first information we got. It influences many of our decision-making processes and how we interpret and see things around us.

So how is this useful for your sales?

Price perception
People compare prices when valuing products and the anchor price allows you to influence this. If you're offering a specific product, you can make its price seem cheaper by introducing a higher-priced alternative before you present the lower priced item
Original price vs discount price
If you put the original price first, this acts as an anchor which represents the true value of the item. Any discount price that follows will be perceived as a bargain because you have already anchored the initial price into people's minds


Slide with text: drive sales with presenting goals
Many of our decisions are driven by goals, what we want to achieve and where we see ourselves later in life. This goal-oriented mindset doesn't only influence big life decisions, but also basic consumer behaviour.

People are more motivated by how much is left to reach their target rather than how far they have come. Even the illusion of progress towards a reward can be motivational and an incentive for your prospect to buy.

Customers with a coffee card to collect stamps for a free coffee change their behaviour the closer they come to fill the card. Researchers observed that as the customers get more stamps, the frequency of their purchases goes up by 16% in order to reach their goal of collecting all stamps and getting a free coffee.
Offer incentives
Help your customer to get started with the help of incentives (as with the coffee card).
Present necessary steps
Clearly show your customers the total number of steps in your deal, so they understand how close they are to completing it.
Bring the goal closer
Present the final goal to shorten the buying cycle and increase conversion rates.
Here are further examples to show you how the goal gradient effect can be used. Big companies, such as Uber or LinkedIn, are using them as well, so give them a try!


Slide with text: create a positive environment
Coffee can help you connect to people and win someone's trust.

“That sounds weird, how is that supposed to work?" you might think, but it truly can help you to make your prospect feel comfortable around you and perceive you as more trustworthy.

If someone gives you a cup of icy cold water to hold, then introduces you to a stranger, you'll treat this newcomer with suspicion and rate them as colder and more distant on personality scales. But if they give you a cup of hot coffee and make the same introduction, trust comes more easily.

The act of feeling physical warmth is enough to trigger cognitive changes: you literally warm up to people, no thinking required. Our body signals our brain that the environment is comfortable, you can relax and be open. Your will automatically feel more trusting towards others.

So next time you see your prospects, meet and greet them with a hot drink!


Sales are not only about telling a person why they should buy your product. If you want to sell successfully, there is so much more behind it: how do you talk to your prospect? What is your purpose in engaging? Can you help them find a solution to their problem?

There are many different aspects you should pay attention to, but also many useful techniques which will help you close a deal more easily.

Stay up to date with our monthly digest of 5 powerful sales insights to learn more techniques that will help you win your prospect and increase your sales. Are you curious to learn more? Then check out our other monthly digests from August, September and October.

Good luck with applying the techniques we share! The more you practice, the better you will become.

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