Karina Collis
Viktoria Fischer-Werth

3 sales insights
TO take your sales tactics
to the next level

Monthly digest, October

How to deliver a B2B sale?
B2B sales are not always straightforward. There are many moving parts you have to keep in mind: how should you present your product? What is the best way to communicate with your prospect? And how do you catch someone's interest in the first place?

If you want to stay relevant in the sales industry you should always be up to date about current trends, techniques and sales tools.

But what makes the crucial difference is to know even more: powerful ways to connect with your prospect, convince them of your ideas and understand what you have to pay attention to in order to close the deal.

We publish our monthly "Sales Insights" series to help you navigate through the complexity of B2B sales and learn more about certain techniques that will help you to win your prospects. Every month you can learn more about tips to catch people's attention, persuade better and improve your sales.


Slide with text: understand your prospect to target personal differences
Do you sometimes wonder why your prospect is not interested in your product, even after you have used all the known persuasion techniques?

Not everyone is looking for the same thing. People have different needs, wishes and fears. Put yourself in your prospects' shoes – who are they, what are their goals, their problems? How can your product help them? Why would they want to buy it?

Once you understand how your prospect identifies himself, you can target exactly those personal differences and tailor how you talk to him and present your product.

Here are a few ways to show your prospect that you understand him:

Ask questions to learn more
How should you understand his or her needs if you don't ask the right questions? Here you can find 66 questions which will help you to navigate any sales process, and understand your customer.
Use the word “You"
It's captivating and shows your prospect what you are saying is relevant for him. Build a connection with adressing your prospect personally!
Solve his problems
Formulate your offers so they address their needs and solve their problems. Instead of saying “Sales made simple" you could say "We know you don't have much time, so we made sales less work for you!"
You will see - if you tailor your sales presentation and communication specifically to your customer, you will automatically be more convincing and able to sell any product faster. Give it a try!


Slide with text: don’t offer too many options
You probably know the feeling of being overwhelmed by too many choices when entering a huge supermarket. The number of options we have nowadays is almost infinite. But is that necessarily a good thing?

More isn't always better. It might sound counterintuitive, but many studies show that giving people too many options can lead to a decrease in sales. People tend to get overwhelmed by too much choice and have trouble making a decision. Sometimes they even end up buying nothing, because they feel intimated by all the possibilities and don't know what the best choice would be.

How can you avoid this?
Limit customer options
make three suggestions that align with your individual customer's needs.
Keep things simple
don't overload your email or your website with text and loads of pictures.
put attention on the most important characteristics of your product. Not every detail might be important.

Sales insight #3. DON'T STOP LEARNING

55% of salespeople lack basic
sales skills to be successful.
Continuous training is a necessary part of sales. Things are constantly changing and evolving, and it is up to us to stay on top and learn about what's new and what's working.

Slide with text: don’t stop learning
Even if we might think that we already have all the knowledge we need for ultimate sales success, statistics show that this is not the case. 55% of salespeople lack the basic sales skills to be successful.

Actually, salespeople who receive continuous training show 50% higher sales rates. Training can be the source of important new information about up-to-date trends, new sales strategies and new sales tools.

We should try to learn something new every week and be open-minded for new input. That's why we share our monthly sales insights and many more sales-related articles, so you can easily learn new techniques and tips to always stay informed.


Sales are not only about telling a person why they should buy your product. If you want to sell successfully, there is so much more behind it: how do you talk to your prospect? What is your purpose in engaging? Can you help them find a solution to their problem?

There are many different aspects you should pay attention to, but also many useful techniques which will help you close a deal more easily.

Stay up to date with our monthly digest of 5 powerful sales insights to learn more techniques that will help you win your prospect and increase your sales. Are you curious to learn more? Then check out our other monthly digests from July, June and September.

Good luck with applying the techniques we share! The more you practice, the better you will become.

Are you working on your sales process and thinking how you could take it to the next level? Have a look at these three articles to learn more:

>> How to create a sales playbook to grow your business

>> Top 10 B2B prospecting tools that will help achieve more with less

>> The 9 essential sales steps towards your first client
We offer bespoke sales workshops and personalised coaching that cover: sales framework, sales process, sales pitch, strategic selling and many other sales topics.

Sales people who receive continuous training show
50% higher sales rates.

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